Self-defense for Moralzarzal Security Personnel
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Self-defense for Moralzarzal Security Personnel

Self-defense for Moralzarzal Security Personnel

Ejercicio de defensa personal

On the 25th of January, Moralzarzal organized a workshop for security personnel employed in the local area. Also in attendance were local police officers, members of the civil guard and civil protection officers.

Danny Crvencic, founder and technical director of the Australian martial arts school IMPACT – which has more than 1,100 students – gave the workshop. Danny is an expert in various martial arts: 7th level Taekwondo and 3rd level Kempo. Suvi Mikkonen (5th level Taekwondo), from the Han Kuk International School of Moralzarzal, which was recently classified by the Olympic team in Rio, collaborated with Danny.

For those persons who offer their services to, and are employed in, our municipality, as a professional tool the workshop has been an extremely motivating and enriching experience.

Furthermore, it was a pleasure to meet Danny and Suvi. We would like to thank them sincerely for their selfless work. And we hope to see them again in Moralzarzal in future editions of this workshop.



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